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題名: 由孟郊際遇、詩文探索其宇宙觀
作者: 劉竹青
關鍵詞: 孟郊;背景;詩歌;Mun chiao;Background;Poetry
日期: 2003/08
上傳時間: 2011-09-02T06:47:43Z
摘要: 唐代是中國詩歌的黃金時代,其發展及造詣,實已臻於盡善盡美的境界。在「詩仙」「詩聖」及眾多詩人被推崇、恭維之際,被冷落一旁的失意詩人,卻也為數不少。
Tang Dynasty is the golden time of Chinese poetry. During the period, the Chinese poetry reached a ultimate perfection and had an important influence on the upcoming poetic style. While the 'God of Poem' and 'Saint of Poem' were highly praised and respected, there were many so-called 'secondary' poets standing like wall grasses.
Mun Chiao, Gia Tao, Yen Cheng, Pai Chee-I, four great poets in that period, inevitably were despised as minors. Just as Shon Tung-po commented their poetic genres as follows: "Mun is shabby; Gia is meager; Yen is verdant and Pai is gaudy."
As a matter of fact, a poet's genre is naturally created from his personal background and experience. That is to say, sincere heart makes one to write a poem. From time on, a poem is a mirror of one's emotion or thought.
However, there are subjective and objective reasons for Mun Chiao's shabbiness. If we appreciate his poems with a tender heart, we can deeply share his points of view toward life.
關聯: 經國學報第二十期:009-019
顯示於類別:[經國學報(19-38期)] 經國學報20期


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