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Title: | 改善慢性阻塞性肺疾病患下床活動率方案 |
Authors: | 盧彩屏;何瓊華 |
Keywords: | 慢性阻塞性肺疾病;身體活動;Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;Physical activity |
Date: | 2003/02
Issue Date: | 2011-09-02T06:47:44Z
Abstract: | 本專案旨在提昇慢性阻塞性肺疾病患住院期間下床活動率。臨床上發現此類病患住院期間下床活動率僅20%,導致因長期臥床而引發各種不良合併症如心跳加快、痰液無法有效排出、下肢無力等,經分析原因發現主要問題為1.病患對活動相關概念認知不足2.病患缺乏訊息來源3.缺乏慢性阻塞性肺疾活動須知衛教單張等。故成立專案小組收集相關資料,安排護理人員相關在職教育,並製定「慢性阻塞性肺疾病患活動須知」衛教單張,予病患單張及衛教並鼓勵協助下床活動,再經筆者觀察病患每日下床活動情形,使下床活動率由原來20%提昇至87.5%,下床步距亦有明顯進步,且對活動有正確認知,80%病患表示對此次住院服務感到滿意,並且提昇護理人員照護技能。 The purpose of this project was to improve the efficiency of the COPD patients’physical activity. Who were admitted to an acute ward and were found to be with more nursing problems. Such as (1)Knowledge deficit(specify) (2)Information source deficit (3)An instructions related physical activity on COPD patients to be deficient. The patients received nurse's teaching intervention and recommendations. 30 subjects participated in this project, major finding included: Most of the patients (80%) who received nursing teaching recommendations had improved in knowledge, perceived susceptibility score and improved behavior and intention to have more physical activity. Based on this project, nursing teaching intervention has effectively improved COPD inpatients' knowledge level and health belief of physical activity and as well as improving their physical activity behavior. Results of this project may help nursing practice in developing nursing teaching intervention to prevent immobility or more complication development as well as promote optimal patient outcomes. |
Relation: | 經國學報第十九期:055-067 |
Appears in Collections: | [經國學報(19-38期)] 經國學報19期
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