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題名: 略論中國近代的戲曲改良運動
作者: 沈惠如
關鍵詞: 近代;戲曲改良運動;戲曲理論;梁啟超;近代文學;Modern age;Chinese opera reform movement;Chinese opera theory;Liang Chi chao;Modern age literature
日期: 2002/09
上傳時間: 2011-08-17T08:06:19Z
摘要: 所謂「近代」(西元1840年鴉片戰爭起至西元1919年五四運動止),是一個空前動盪的時代,舊有的制度和觀念面臨崩潰,西方的、新奇的事物又排山倒海而來,在這個既矛盾又複雜的時空下,文學現象自然是豐富多變,甚至別開生面。
The“Modern Age"-from the 1840 Opium War to the 1919 May Fourth Movement, is a time of unprecedented instability. The old systems and ideology collapsed while the new Western culture swept the society. At this juncture, the literary phenomenon became versatile and even opened to innovation.
Chinese Opera is an art form that mirrors the socia1 phenomena. Among al1 modern literary forms and phenomena, Chinese Opera inevitably danced to the pulse of time.“Tzar Jiuh"(variety show)and“Chwan Chyi"(legend)became later adherents as “Kun Chu" came to an end. Regional opera shows from all parts of the country competed for their creativity and popularity. In addition,“Hua-Jiuh"(play)also erupted from the Modern Age. When the Chinese culture clashed with its Western Counterpart, the“Modern Age" not only created all these new faces for Chinese Opera but continued its evolutionary process.
This article is devoted to the evolution and transformation of modem Chinese Opera from the literary history of Chinese Opera. However,the theory, ideology and reform movement of Chinese Opera are inseparable and should be included in the discussion. Further, western drama and esthetics also affected Chinese Opera. This article will clarify the complexity of the historical background of Modem Age, categorize the development of different operas, and then explain the reformation of Chinese Opera and drama theory. Hopefully, this article will reflect the value of modern Chinese Opera in the history of Chinese Opera or Chinese Literature.
關聯: 德育學報第十八期:001-022
顯示於類別:[德育學報(1-18期)] 德育學報18期


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