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題名: George Hurstwood: The loser in the Harsh World Jory 郝斯特伍德: 現實世界中的失敗者
作者: 洪全揮
關鍵詞: 世界;失敗;伍德;郝斯特;現實
日期: 1988
上傳時間: 2011-08-08T07:05:21Z
摘要: 西奥多.德塞的嘉麗妹妹自一九零零年出版以來,就一直被批評家熱切的討論著.一方面,這本書是描述嘉麗這位出生貧寒的女孩在大城市中奮鬥成功的故事,另一方面,書中對郝斯特伍德由富而貧的不幸遭遇也有深刻的描述,據唐納德.派樂所說,德塞自己也認為這本書是郝斯特伍德的悲慘故事。一位批評家更宣稱,郝斯特伍德這個角色發展才是整本書的重心。其他如威廉.瑞迪。哈里斯.里昻等人亦持相同看法。由此觀之,郝斯特伍德角色的重要性是無庸置疑的。



Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie has been closely studied and discussed since it was first pubished in 1900. On the one hand, the book is about Carrie who tries to find a better life for herself in big cities. On the other hand, the book is a story of Hurstwood as well. As Carrie rises from poor status, Hurstwood falls down from his comfortable life to a tragic death. According to Donald Pizer, Dreiser himsef, in 1907, called Sister Carrie the story of "the tragedy of a man's life."1
One critic even claims that the attention of this novel "is focused even more directly on the figure of George Hurstwood than on Carrie herself." 2 And in William Marion Reedy's words, "it is the delineation of the man's gradual sinking or linking into degradatio that the author shows his real power."3
Or, in Harris Merton Lyon's words, "Hurstwood reminds you of yourself, of each one of your friends. He epitomizes your theory of life."4
Dreiser's own comments, and the critics'opinions at least show that Hurstwood is an important role in the novel.

In comparison with Carrie's adventures in Chicago and New York, Hurstwood's story is more dramatic and pathetic. As Donald Pizer puts it, Carrie's character is more comlpex than Hurstwood.5
But in my opinion, Hurstwood's inner world, pride passion, and his inner conflicts, are not less powerful than Carrie's ceaseless pursuit of a better life. In fact, Hurstwood's story not only evokes in us a sense of catharsis, but it helps us witness, more clearly,the indifferences of nature to man and man's struggle against his fate. Hurstwood strikes the cores of our hearts by arousing in us a sense of helplessness and irrevocability. and especially a kind of sympathy for the fallen hero.

In order to have a full understanding of Hurstwood. to know how Dreiser delineated this character successfully, we shall try to study Hurstwood's psychic tendencies in detail. These psychic tendencies include Hurstwood's sense of self-importance, pride, dissatisfaction, passion, self-rationalization,inner conflicts, loss and compensation, and above all, his frustration and disillusion of life.
關聯: 德育學報第四期:001-028
顯示於類別:[德育學報(1-18期)] 德育學報04期


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