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jsp.display-item.identifier=請使用永久網址來引用或連結此文件: https://dyhuir.dyhu.edu.tw/ir/handle/987654321/1049

题名: 12週超慢跑運動對國小學童健康體適能之影響
其它题名: A Study of Constrains and Self-reported Health Condition of Yoga Participants in Keelung City
作者: 洪小理
贡献者: 黃恆祥
关键词: 超慢跑運動;健康體適能;身體組成;slow-jogging;health-related physical fitness;body composition
日期: 2014
上传时间: 2014-10-14T03:54:39Z
出版者: 經國管理暨健康學院;健康產業管理研究所
摘要: 本研究旨在探討超慢跑運動能否對國小學童之身體組成 (身高、體重、身體質量指數、體脂率)、柔軟度、肌力與肌耐力、心肺耐力產生影響,藉以評估在國小推行超慢跑運動是否有助於學童的健康體適能發展。本研究以國小四年級同一個班級的21名自願參加學童為實驗組(參加12週,每週3次,每次40分鐘超慢跑訓練)與控制組21名(不參加超慢跑訓練),兩組共42人。訓練前、後所有受試者均以 OMRON hbf-362體重體組成計測量身體組成,以坐姿體前彎檢測柔軟度、以一分鐘仰臥起坐檢測肌力與肌耐力、以800公尺跑走檢測心肺耐力,以兒童OMNI運動強度自覺量表控制實驗組的運動強度介於強度2-4之間,亦即感到有一點累的程度。
測驗所得之資料先以SPSS for Windows 17.0進行描述性統計,再以Microsoft Excel 2010計算其變化百分率,並對照101年臺灣中小學學生體適能常模換算為百分等級進行變化程度之比較。本研究結論為:
This study aims to explore the influence of implementing slow-jogging in elementary school on body composition (height, weight, body mass index, and body fat ratio), flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and cardiorespiratory endurance in order to evaluate whether slow-jogging implemented in elementary schools help develop health-related physical fitness of elementary school students. The subject consisted of 42 elementary school students in one fourth grade class divided evenly into trial and control groups. The former consisted of 21 pupils voluntarily taking part in the trial (40 minutes slow-jogging each time and 3 times per week for consecutive 12 weeks) and the latter consisted of 21 pupils (failing to participate in slow-jogging). The subject received the following measurements before and after each session of training. OMRON hbf-362 was used to measure body composition. Forward bending was used to measure flexibility. One-minute of sit-ups was used to measure muscular strength and muscular endurance. An 800-meter race was used to measure cardiorespiratory endurance. The trial group underwent an exercise intensity of RPE 2-4 pursuant to the children’s OMNI scale for rating of perceived exertion, the equivalent of light fatigue.
SPSS for Windows 17.0 was applied to the data for descriptive statistics. Microsoft Excel 2010 was used to compute the variation ratio, and the 2012 Taiwan elementary and junior high schools’ physical fitness norm-referenced form prescribed by the Ministry of Education was used to compare percentile rank. The concluding remarks are as follows:
1. the body mass index of the fourth grade pupils is still within the normal range with high proportion who are obese and overweight. In the past 2 years, more than 50% of fourth grade pupils passed in health and physical fitness, but with much room for improvement.
2. 12-weeks of slow-jogging improving the body mass index and body fat ratio of the fourth grade pupils proves that promoting slow-jogging in elementary schools helps resolve the problem of obesity in children.
3. 12-weeks of slow-jogging improving the flexibility and cardiorespiratory endurance of the fourth grade pupils proves that slow-jogging promoted in elementary schools helps advance children’s health and physical fitness.
關聯: 105頁
显示于类别:[學位論文] 102學年度


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